Monday 24 August 2015

To the old, new and the futureπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ†πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

Dear old

I know your still trying to show up like your something new, you confuse me you pyralise me to believe that your far from being old.

Look off all people I know how difficult it is to let go of the old, especially when you believed it so much, thinking that it would all work out. Watching a dream play out in a way you never planned. All areas of my life I've had to watch my dreams play out differently.

 I know what it’s like to watch a dream play in your head that you no longer believe will exist in your life.  I recognize the fear that comes with the unknown. Redefining your tomorrow to fit your reality is never easy. How else can you start the journey of becoming whole unless you’re honest that pieces of you are missing? Can you identify what the pieces are and when life chipped them away? Do you know when you lost you?  I know you want the purpose without the process, but right now you cannot have what you want and become the person God needs.

I'm still stuck I'm trying to figure out what in the world I need to Do or understand until my dreams play out the way I have them in my head.

 there is a process for everything and right now your time has not come. It’s hard to not become discouraged when you see everyone moving around you, yet you’re still trying to find your way.

 You cannot force change, you can only inspire it and you can’t inspire any one who won’t let you in.I am so numb somtimes I  forget what it's  like to feel. I forgot to live. I forgot how much confidence comes when you can inspire yourself. It's hard to keep together at times people keep telling you about Gods grace how it will show up, feeling like maybe I am praising a different God. When does it all stop? Heart break disappointment fear.

 I think it’s time to let go of what you can’t control and accept the things within your power to change. If you can’t fix it it’s because God wanted you to trust Him and if you truly trust Him show Him by letting go.  You’re so set on things going your way that you don’t realize you can get to the same destination you just have to take a different route. If you let life’s detours cancel your destination then you didn’t dream big enough. Whatever lies ahead of you must be worth the process you’ll have to go through or quitting will always be easy. You can’t give up on something God has for you. Be patient. Be comfortable with things being in His control.

Endure they say.. But when does one get breaking point! Somehow the detours of life can leave one broken. Question do u know your master? Do u know what he can do for you. This is what I've learned he will put in a cage full of lions and he will turn his back and let you battle. He will give u the honor to either fight till you are no more and he would have taught u that u cannot win every battle you have to let the opponent win. Lesson there is choose your battles and know who deserves all of you in a fight.

I finally see why the old was removed and I see the good in goodbye.

Dear new

You terrify me you paralyze me, you dry out my spit and leave me cold

 You scare me. I won’t get into how exciting you are because everyone can see that. I want you to know that I believe it’s my time and I’m coming for you. My hopes are set on bringing out the best of me every chance I get. I just want you to know I’m not sure the best of me will be enough. I have faith, I trust God, and I’m ready to fight… even though I've lost so many battles I am a warrior and I will rise again and give u yet again my best shot! As scary as this maybe to my body and mind I refuse to let the old distract me in getting dirty again and trying again.

Dear new I need you to I understand though that I am afraid. I am afraid of failure I am afraid of being critisized, I am Afraid of not being good enough.
I’m afraid that my heart will be questioned but bigger than all of that I’m afraid to be out of God’s will. I just didn’t realize that being in His will may mean that I have to face the other fears head on.  So here I am looking at something so promising sog here I am looking at something so promising and it’s guarded by every fear I tried to avoid.

I just need to explain the cracks in my voice and the tremble in my hands, I want you to be full aware that I am coming, coming at you at a speed I've never traveled in before, I know some wine say the odds are against me and I wear my emotions on my sleeves.
 but I have the greatest force of all with me. God has trusted me with this mission for reasons I can’t explain so every one-I encounter must see a glimpse of Him in me. I have no room for fear or doubt in my life, yet they’re still here. Each day I pursue my purpose I give my fear an eviction notice. It may never fully go away, but at least it knows it’s not welcomed and it won’t stop me from living. My fear is my audience and I can’t wait to put on this show.

I'm in search of my something beautiful and I am confident that I will find it. I will do everything in my power to get it.

I will strive even in my fear!

Dear forever

 From the moment our eyes locked I knew that God trusted you to keep me focused. There are some people you know are only in your life for a season and others you know were a gift from God to help see you through. You are my forever.  And while I know this is the time of the year when many reassess the relationships in their lives I want you to know your role cannot be questioned. During my most scorching pain your love has been my favorite breeze. Even when I wanted to face things alone to spare you from my shame, you found a way in. You make me a better me and I could never let that go. There are many uncertainties in life, but you are not one. I can count on you. I haven’t even trusted you with every part of me, but I have no doubt I could. That’s why I’ll never let you go.

 Life is too unpredictable to have a team you can’t depend on. You always show up, suited, and ready to tackle whatever obstacle lies ahead of me. And because I value you I don’t abuse my access to your strength. I’m so glad God gave me you right when I needed you the most. Your heartbeat is my favorite reminder that all things work together for the good of those who love Him and it only makes me want to love Him more for you. My heart’s favorite lullaby I’m not sure I’d want to be much of anything if I couldn’t share it with you.

 have to let go of a few old things to hold you.  I willl finally turned my back on my past so I can really see you. And now that I see why God blessed the world with you, I promise to protect the good in you with all that’s good within me.  I won’t allow my love to be filtered with bitterness. I won’t force my tomorrow to live in my past. I offer my love for you to God and trust that He will use it to past our your fears. And because I feel better when I’m around you I want to thank you for letting God filter your love for me.

 Thank you for protecting my innocence with your wisdom and being gentle with my fears. Thank you for being careful with my heart.

Never letting u go.

Thursday 26 February 2015

My Vow and Commitment to Myself

Image result for commitment quotes
I Letlotlo Genemary Maloma Vow to trust and to be open to life and what it throws at me. i vow to protect myself from things i can be in control off, to break down the walls of imprisonment, and allow myself to build walls of protection, this is my pledge to say yes to life :)

I pledge to love myself, love myself enough to say No to things that upset me things that do me no Good, to love and forgive myself from time to time all the days of my life. I vow to soar high on wings like eagles, i will walk and not be faint, so that i can free myself from regrets.

I vow to Let the word of Christ to dwell in me richly for peace and wholeness of Gods grace and love to forever reside inside of me, that i may adopt Gods everlasting love.
I Vow to have close relationships with my Creator.    

I vow to accept my needs,wants, dreams, desires and my daily thoughts which at times cripple me or create the awesomeness in me.

I vow to Reconcile my relationship with my body, to remember that my body is my temple and that it is the only source that i need to be alive on this earth, so that i may pursue what it is that I'm created for. I vow to love and nurture my body, to befriend, honour and respect it and to listen to its wisdom all the days of my life.

I vow to fully trust myself, without second guessing my potential, to value my personal truth personal space and personal growth. that i may understand that only i can recognise my full Armour. i pledge to understand and recognise my life experiences, what Ive gone through and how i came out. so that it may be a personal reminder of how great and powerful my God is and how he can take one out of any trying situation and turn it into a blessing.   

I vow to remain loyal to myself all the days of my life; to never choose the love, acceptance or approval of anthers over my own. I promise to never abandon or demote my relationship with myself for any other role, because i am the sole holder of my emotional state. i will strive to keep it intact and to listen to every painful emotion every joyful song my soul sings.

 I Vow to give my feelings and instinct  the same authority i give my brain and heart, to honour its beauty and its truth and its sharpness because without my instinct and feelings i wouldn't have discovered a lot of things about myself and what goes on around me. that is why i pledge to give it a forefront in my life so that it may guide me when i am blinded by earthly things.

This promise I make to myself: To act courageously in expressing my truth, to myself and others.

I vow to embrace and celebrate my femininity. To be curious about its gifts. To explore feminine gentleness, creativity and intuition.  To love my woman body, it’s softness, its roughness, to identify its fullness, capabilities,strengths and weakness.   

I pledge to take myself out once a month: just me myself  and I, to create a space where i need No one to make me happy. to offer myself support and understanding.  

Lastly I Letlotlo Genemary Maloma, pledge to value myself whole heatedly in good times and in bad. to respect my body thoughts, needs, wants, dreams and desires. to Respect my Body and mind emotions and spirit. to insist upon Happiness fight for it strive for it.
To Lose balance for love because i am smart enough to know that its part of living a balanced life. to understanding that its a good thing to have a broken heart to heal it and to kiss it better because it is a good thing, it means i have tried for something. vowing to be selective of my thoughts the same way i change my clothing, that i may be able to tell the difference of Good and bad thoughts.

Yes I am a Princess and My Lord will forever Remain my King.

Learning to love the warrior in me.

Sending love peace joy kindness faithfulness all to myself, all because I am the Warrior of light :)

Journey with me because this is it, my truth my life.  

God is love. 

Friday 23 January 2015

Letting Go!

The title is a lot simpler to write, but the process of letting go is painful, leaves me feeling defeated. its almost 4months and i am only finding my way now, when he had decides that he no longer wanted to be in the relationship, i thought he was angry and upset and he would come around, i stepped back and gave him time to be alone, three months later he HUGE stab, reality faced me, i saw him with another women my heart stopped for a sec, right there i knew he had moved on he told me to my face that they are just friends, funny the very morning when i saw him i asked God to give me a sign for me to move on and be at peace, But I'm still shocked at how God works, i know i asked and i received it was the hardest thing Ive ever had to come to terms with.

look i am not sure what to call it and what it did to me, but no pain killer in the world could help me, no amount of talking and telling me about God made it easy, i still play that day in my head, i saw red, felt like i was being provoked i have never fought for anything in my life Ive never laid hands on anyone in my life until the day when i saw the Love of my life walk away with another women. i don't know but the devil had a field day with me, i went crazy, i hit i bit i pushed i shouted and the pain still remained with me, it walk with me ever since, after the pain it turned into guilt and total shame, of how i acted. i needed someone to tell me about a drug to numb this pain, Suddenly, you can no longer cry the tears at night, Naturally, we get frustrated.  The frustration displays differently for everyone. As the days went by i still collected more shame and pain grew in my heart. found it almost hard to breath.

break ups are hard, the last time i felt this way was when i broke up with the father of my child, i had made a promise to myself that i would never allow a man to take me and break me, here i was again on the very same road of pain, confusion, betrayal, anger, bitterness, guilt, shattered dreams, frustration, disappointment resentment and deceit.

In that process i had to remember that all this pain and emotions had to come out, it was the clearest moment in my life even if i didn't see it at first, but those moments are meant to teach us what it is we hold back, these emotions are messengers that show us with terrifying clarity exactly where we are stuck

Survive Again 

I carried you with me everywhere i went, the memories came as though i was still happily in a relationship with you, it felt good at times to sit and remember the simple things we used to share, the way you used to call me Nana and how it warmed my heart i couldn't burn all those feelings away every time i tried it felt like i was killing the most precious gift of life

Then i realized that taking you everywhere with me was only hurting me and taking me 10 steps back, i needed to find a way to stop hanging on to the memories. infect i wanted to find a way to avoid feeling and hoping for something to be worked out between us,i wanted to hate you so that it was easier, but  instead i loved you even more, call me crazy!

But since then i had to set myself a goal to forget you, i just didn't know how, so i focused on the situation, because hate couldn't be directed to you i then directed my hate to the situation, I hated who it made me become. Weaker than I could ever imagine, more wounded than I knew possible. i want so much never to the person i am not i want to learn from it and move forward. but now how do i move forward, because  I exhale and breathe my regret on everyone I encounter. I pretend to not notice I’m scaring them away. I call the walls around my heart security.

Regardless of what the world thinks I’m not bitter. I’m safe. its like they can smell the venerability in me, Men lining up wanting to know me better i am not ready i tell them but they don't understand,there is so much pain inside of me 

I spoke to myself a lot then i came to an understanding that I carry you with me so I never have to taste the saltiness of those tears again. I never realized that I wasn’t really taking you anywhere, I was actually letting you hold me back. The walls I built to keep the pain away kept me from producing purpose. If I ever wanted to become better I would have to risk becoming bitter.

 I’d have to be willing to meet a new teacher and receive a new lesson. The lesson may come through struggle, but after the struggle comes strength. Every person in my life carries with them a lesson that will teach me  more about myself . Your resiliency will be tested, but don’t let it make you rigid. Those who want to grow understand the necessity and discomfort that comes with being stretched. Hell i am stretched even the emotion i am feeling typing this makes me wonder if ill ever be able to move on. everything feels so real.

Disasters happen in our lives so we can able discover the real person, Each disaster that threatened me  ripped me apart, but look it  didn’t succeed it only  stretched me . If you’re focused on the strain the pain brought, know that you’re ignoring the lesson that came with it too.

He sent me a text after he dropped off my clothing saying thank you for an educational two years, i promise you when i read it that day i felt nothing, but resentment, anger!

few weeks later i am calling you my teacher, you stretched my love. Thank you. Now I have more to give than before. You stretched my strength. I’m grateful. Today I’m stronger than before. You stretched my will now I’m more determined than I was.
You stretched me, but you didn’t tear me. I’m better because of this aching.
It felt like you were trying to break me, but you showed me that I’m capable of enduring. I want to take you with me. I want to carry you with me everywhere I go, but I can’t take you and grow. I’ll take my lessons and undeniable growth and head to the next level. I’m leaving you, my teacher, because I want to develop more than I want to remain safe.
And if I have to taste the salt of tears again, I’ll cry knowing that when the stream slows and finishes its dance from my eyes and down my cheeks, I survived once, and with God’s grace I’ll survive again.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

19 months of wonderful memories...

I still have that huge smile like I just met him 2weeks ago, the excitement is still gracing me.

we have come a long way yet it feels like just yesterday and that alone gives me shivers.

 I am not going to write much I am just going to let the pictures tell you what we have been up too and where we are now. #smiles enjoy!

here is our life in a short space of 19months :)

BJ introduced us she might not know it but I thank God that we ran into each other :)

He gave me this ring when we met the first time for lunch beautiful

I think this was my first time at his house
Date: 05-08-12

Our first outing after our date :O

Day out to the mall he got me a flower from his garden, real charmer it was still early days, I remember this day I got admitted into hospital, he sat with me the whole day Wow!
 Date: 25-08-12

Captured moment whilst I slept
 Date: 11-08-12 

First outing with both our friends... it didn't start well I looked all over for him that day, he was so upset.

Saturday the 07-09-12 we went out for coffee, beautiful morning @mugandbean

OH yes this beautiful day at the botanical garden.. blissful moments I remember checking in on fb it was a Friday we took a day off.
Date: 21-09-12   


 After our movie night on the 10-10-12 we took this beautiful pic #lovely

My Prince took me to a spar, I loved every moment I will never forget it this thoughtful gesture :)

 December our first! we spent it with his friends, cousins and my sister. we kissed at midnight it was my first time really happy and enjoying myself with my boyfriend on the 31st. he then updated that post on his BBM moments that melt my heart and soul :) 

I made us breakfast at my house, then we planned for 2013. this was probably one of our best mornings for 2013, after we did that planning there was so much fulfilment we both updated our BBM's status it was magical.

Soccer night with my boo it was raining, don't I just look hot with short hair, lol.

This day we dedicated it to the kids, took them to a family outing at a farm in Alberton. the kids loved him, his great with kids

Sad that we had to lose such a beautiful and dynamic soul. it was probably my hardest time with him, I didn't know how to deal with his grief and it killed me inside. I just wanted to make him feel better. yes its true death is not proud :( RIP gogo 
>>>>BUT IT IS WELL WITH OUR SOULS<<<< Date :14-03-13

Fun masters, the pic says it all :) happiness all round.
Road trip to Nels yepeee that was great, I even went all sexy on him LOL, don't ask, it was amazing. he treats me like a Princess and I love him for that. #amakosi for life!
 Date: 18-05-13

On this day we took  Reko and Tebo(coursin)out. we will make great hosts, they had fun. thank you babe for being the man in my life.

Tuesday night, instead of doing movies we also did mask and massage evenings. Tuesdays are special because we do different things some Tuesdays we would say tonight we going to talk about feelings. its a great way to spend time with each other.
Date: 04-06-13

2013 we lost warriors in our lives, when I found out Papa had left us I was with him. it was too painful. awesome man I really hope I marry someone like you, you left behind a great legacy RIP Papa :(

Birthday vibes in Sun City. we had the times of our lives there...
Date: 19-07-13

Party vibes at Zone 6 the Venue
Date: 26-07-13

My last day working at Computershare we celebrated with my friends. it was an awesome evening
He supports me with everything, holds my hand and helps calm the storm. I don't know how to thank you.
Date: 04-09-13

My birthday gift! the card says Nana thank you for putting up with my sh#t for 16 months. This man can make a girl fall so hard. I remember the evening we stayed in and had out first dance Lord that night was oh so unforgettable
Date: 21-11-13

supporting our Baby girl at her concert. Thank you Daddy
Date: 23-11-13

Wedding vibes we looked amazing.
Date: 08-12-13

night out at Melrose ft black coffee we got down!

Christmas gift from my Person, the frame is my mothers and the little forever new nail kit is my sister's and the bag and the books are mine. I cried when he gave us the gifts, the most thoughtful man I know, and I happen to be in-love with him. I will never forget even if I tried. Thank you my Love
Date: 25-12-13

New years eve we decided to spend it alone at home,we cooked together had Dinner and slept. such moments are priceless.

The next day we had movie night with our little Princess #Fun times
Date: 01-01-14 

Night out with the Family. trust me it ended up awesome started off slow.. but Mr Chipeya came and saved the day that's what I am talking about.

We still stand stronger and fearless,for our Lord our God still covers us under his wings. 19 months later... 2014 is still ours BIGGER things will happen in our lives with God being our helper.

life lately

I see things from a different angle, I realized that no body will save me, but i have a strong feeling that this break has saved me from myself. its been so awesome I leant so much but I mostly have grown to see a better me. I have devoted myself to knowing myself , I listened to myself and my whole being I've hated myself a few times I cried a lot but for what its worth I couldn't have asked for a better experience

life lately has had more ups then down, I'm pleased that its come to that, I realised that life is perfect if one works and waters life with deep breaths and smiles so one can get through the day. recently I opened myself up to another world, I gained excess to the spiritual healing and ancestral believes and guardian angles. Wow this world I must say was scary and I had lots of doubts in entering but I felt at the time that I need something to give me peace, tying to chase butterflies of life.

when one gets to a certain age you find yourself asking questions about life how it works, because hey life is beautiful but can be painful and extremely hard to deal with. So I went in search of a teacher, but now I call him my Master I remember the first time I asked my boyfriend to hook me up with my Master he wouldn't have it he refused but came a time when life was so bad that we both didn't know what to do he finally agreed that I meet him.
ever since our first encounter with my Master my life was never the same. I found myself a teacher a listener and worrier of life :) he introduced me to the parallel universe that surround us, the Angels the wisdom of nature the mysteries of the traditions and our culture,

We talked about guardian angels and my ancestors he broke little sticks up and formed a circle explaining that that's my body he then put the rest of the sticks inside the circle, saying those are my soldiers they  help me to survive. he continued explain to me in details how they represent me and how they all should work together to form a unit, sounds simple but it was intense because for the very first time I actually took the time to learn how my body works and how it affects me.

the things took away from that experience that day was from my Master was: when I find your path I must not be afraid, he said I need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes, disappointment, defeat and despair are tools God uses to show us the way. I'm pretty sure that my Master has experience these both in body and soul. what better teacher.

Anyways its been a journey I now have an understanding of how my guardian angels, ancestors and God work together and how I should acknowledge them and never disregard all of them.  I have faith in God and in my guardian angles who brought me here and they remain with me, I cannot explain what its like but I know they are near me, at the time I needed to believe in the present and for a while now it exists and it has stayed with me.

I learned about the dark night, I learned that the search of God is a dark night, that faith is a dark night and that's hardly a surprise really because for us each day is a dark night non of us knows what might happen even in the next minute, and yet still we go forward because we trust, because we have faith.

I thought I had lost myself and my sense of belonging, the pain was so extreme that I felt that God had turned his back on me, I had just resigned from my job and was about to lose my family, that's why I call it the dark nigh, that very moment in my life I had to exercise my faith.
Faith cannot be explained it was simply a dark night and my Master had to teach me the power of prayer and how to have conversations with my guardian angels and my ancestors. I think at some stage I thought I was dreaming and it was not happening to me because the pain cut so deep but I had to be strong he said, being strong would mean I had to except what was happening.

I am still here surrounded by Gods compassion and grace and his love is brighter then the sun  more beautiful then words could ever say, his endless light shined over my life and it led me to his glory I understood that in the darkness that's where he shines.

I found peace and healing and I found loyalty and friendship in God, really I fear nothing, I even went as far as creating a prayer corner, that's where I go and talk to all of them and I find rest there, there is nothing like it.

So, yes life lately has been nothing but sweet and that's because I embrace it and I connect with it. I work on overcoming my fears facing them head on and that for me is called balance.

So I still say God is Love :)


Saturday 1 February 2014

L♥ving Grace.

Its special when one gets to a place where you really understand from the bottom of your heart what God intended its even more heart warming when u understand that God has plans not just any plans, plans to help u prosper and see u through tough times so that when the good comes u know its his grace manifesting in your life. Now with my joyful heart I can safely say he has blessed and Graced me with Tebo in my, I am almost certain that this type of love was created in Heaven.  I fell in-love with him from the day we started chatting on BBM, look I asked for him from God I know I was not specific but I'm preddy sure that God had me in mind when he worked on him coz dehm he did an outstanding Job#smiles! Joy feels my heart when I think of him,

Yes I'm in-love with Mr T P Chipeya and I glow inside and out because of his tender warming incredible heart! We didn't meet by mistake that I'm preddy sure off ! we where not hooked up my BJ by accident it was by your grace Lord :) youknow my heart and you know what I was praying for and you provided... And you  made me understand that he will not be Perfect but I will create perfection with him :). I love him Dad, he is my Zing, he knows me understands my needs, he works hard to provide for those needs, his a lover and a friend what more can a girl ask for?

Dark tall beautiful blood eyes tender lips silky hair, side burns to die for, sexy body, heart of gold compassionate, Driven, strong minded God fearing loving and a  hopeless romantic, wow God u really are showing off here really u are #giggles! Tebza helps me realize that anything is possible, he awakens my sleeping soul and teachers it baby steps, and allows me to feel, he takes my horrid in-perfections turns them into perfections, he takes my hand and leads us, he encourages me to stay  true to myself and embrace myself so that he can continue to water me with Good spirits :) that's love... I know you are a jealous God you do not want your kids( that being me) to love Men more then we love you, God I love you I love you for the gift of life u have brought into my life I am humbled by honouring me with this God fearing man thank u and I love you.  

Here he is as handsome as ever :)